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tv   Road to the White House  CSPAN  August 11, 2012 8:00pm-8:45pm EDT

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opinion -- to state an too often, you have politicians a good double talk and tell a lie. i voted for obama even before he became a state senator. if someone tells you something that is not true, it is a lie. i do not understand why it is hard to call a person what they are? host: the president left washington today and headed for chicago. he has a fundraiser coming up. we will bring that to you live, up on c-span tomorrow afternoon. president obama's campaign after the announcement of paul ryan was good to release a tv ad. we will give you a look and get
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your reaction. [video clip] >> our entire tax system. >> i think it would be marvelous if the senate picked up paul ryan's budget and to adopt it. >> the paul ryan and medicare plan would turn medicare into a voucher system. >> the paul ryan budget would cut aid to the elderly and children. >> it would cut pell grants to students and caused millions of students. >> of the cuts are dramatic. they are painful. >> it is a 4.3 trillion dollars tax cut to the wealthiest in the country.
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>> if mitt romney became president, you believe that he would follow through with a lot of the reductions? >> i applaud it. it is a good piece of work that is very much needed. cracks that ad and much more is available on our website for campaign 2012 on campaign2012. here is a tweet from a viewer. st. louis is next. caller: you have two men who can
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do it. i say, go to it, for both of them. illinois, democrat. go ahead with your thoughts. ok. we will go to the independent line. as an independent, does this mean you either way in terms of you will vote for? caller: good evening. i think both parties have problems, but romney is such a disaster. if americans are paying attention, barack obama will when name. but both parties do have a problem. until the masses pay attention, we will have these problems continuously. romney is an awful candidate.
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he has a credibility issue. >> paul ryan was 28-years old when he was first elected to the house. he has been there for seven terms. going on 43 years of age. we are taking your calls. carol on the republican line. hello. caller: i think this is a very good choice. i think both men are very honorable man, as was joe lieberman. i think they will tell you the truth. i do not think the democratic party has been telling people the truth about the economy or their campaign ads against the republican candidates. thank you. host: their sunday paper headline looks light this. their headline this afternoon --
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from jsonline. we go to california. independent line. this is a charity. i am sorry, minnie from pennsylvania. what is your take on the romney pick on paul ryan? caller: i love it. i love everything the man has to say. i think democrats blame the republicans for everything that happens. i am sorry to say this, but every time obama opens his mouth, i detect a live. but i like this. i think these men are telling the truth. everything obama has done has been totally against everything
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that i believe america stands for. thank you for taking my call. host: paul ryan is chair of the budget committee. he has a lot of courage with the budget being a major issue on capitol hill and elsewhere. he has met with secretary tim geithner several times a year. here is an encounter from a month ago. there was a budget meeting with the treasury secretary. what they talked about in terms of the differences and administration views the fiscal cliff and other issues. [video clip] >> i am not talking about you personally, but the administration. you are showing us a budget that will raise tax rates. >> when you propose a budget --
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>> here is what you have to do if you are going to get enough revenues to do this in a fair way. >> what we propose to do is modestly increase the effective tax rate on the top 2%. >> it goes to 44% on individuals. >> first of all, let's assume for the sake of argument that i am right. this has been checked 1 million times. the point is, you are raising marginal tax rates. nine out of 10 people in wisconsin -- businesses in wisconsin file as individuals. >> you are right, it will raise taxes on the 2%.
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>> of these kinds of things you say, you're not putting in the budget. this is the for the budget. -- fourth budget. >> a healthy debate between the treasury secretary and the budget committee chair, paul ryan. you can see many more appearances on our c-span at the library at we will continue to take your calls and tweets. mark is on our democrat line. he is from florida. go ahead. caller: this is a very serious crossroads for our country. i work and a power plant currently. we have a young congressman, paul ryan, a republican with a
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college degree in political science arguing with one of the sharpest economists last of the subject of the economy's in the world probably. we do not know the difference in the sanction of someone like sylvester stallone and a person who has served in the military. i would like to say one thing about paul ryan so americans understand. it is not a criticism, but their at 16. his father i have compassion for that. what do not have compassion for is that his family lives off of social security. yes, he graduated and that is to be respected. nonetheless, those are programs paid for americans and for all americans. the ryan plan would not only do away with that opportunity for
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families in the future, they are talking about the ryan plan cutting over three trillion dollars of money that americans want to give to each other so we can help each other. for the seniors listening to my comments, social security will be reduced to half. i really hope the older voters that do vote realized this man will not be for anyone on social security. it will be given away. host: mary is a republican caller. i am and always am a will be. i am glad paul ryan was picked. host: anna is a caller from
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california. caller: hello. as the daughter of an army officer, i find this ticket a frightening that neither of these people have any experience on the world stage. mitt romney still thought the soviet union was our greatest enemy and paul ryan, city and that being the president, literally has no world experience. aside from that, their world view seems to be something from the 1950's the way they think of the world as the rich and the poor and if we just have freedom everything will be ok. >> how do you think mitt romney's policy stacks up against obama's?
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caller: i do not think it is much used to make that argument. what is facing us now is a president who is clearly respected and effective in the world, and mitt romney who has had opportunities to do things in the world, but his world view seems to be something out of the 1950's. you saying that what was president obama at the time? now we know what he is. host: president obama is in chicago this evening. he will be heading to iowa. that the we live on monday on c- span. republican caller, ben. caller: hello. i am 52. forarmy army officer. -- former army officer.
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some people put out these arguments that are extreme and that these guys will take away programs, but they will be getting rid of the debt. people think that republicans are the party of the rich. i am middle class. i look at the fact that people think republicans are the party of the rich and the money that we see going to these different countries of the aid comes from republicans as well as democrats. host: back to the comment of paul ryan using social security to help put him through college or what ever our caller said, do
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you think do in those sorts of things are possible that social security can help people not only survive, but go to college and things like that? with a republican budget continues the sorts of programs? caller: absolutely. i think it is comical that people think republicans are the party of the rich. to be elected, they need to get 51% of the votes. that means that they want the public to be rich. host: thank you for calling in. lots of coverage in the coming
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days. mitt romney will be in florida. some people thought marco rubio would be his pick. we know now that is not the case. mitt romney will have a campaign event in miami. we will have that live on monday at 5:00 eastern time. harry reid was one of the early comintern's this morning. he tweeted throughout the day. here is his tweet. nancy, democrat, florida. caller: thank you for taking my call. i love your show. picke is a great
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time for democrats. i think romney. this guy because he speaks very well. he is smart, he is articulate. he knows what he is doing. however, he does not have any experience in foreign policy, not like hillary clinton. she is wrapping up her trip. he has no experience in government aside from congress that he has been in since 1998. host: 1 of the differences is reaching mitt romney and paul ryan is that ryan has had a lot encounters with obama.
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paul ryan asked the president about the federal budget. here is a look at that. [video clip] >> the spending has been increased. this means the total spending in your budget would grow at 3300th than otherwise. you said you would want to take a scalpel and go through the budget line by line. we need a constitutional version of the outline veto. [applause] problem is, we cannot get a vote on the proposal. would you support a line veto
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and helping us get that in the house? >> i want to push back on the underlying premise of increasing spending by 84%. i talked to peter right before i came here. i suspected i we hear this argument. most of the increases in this year's budget, this past year's budget, we are not as a consequence of policies that we initiated, but we are instead built into as the automatic stabilizers that kick in because of this enormous recession. the increase in the budget for this past year was actually predicted before i was even sworn into office and issued any
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policies. and whoever was in there would have seen those same increases. people were hurting and needed help. a lot of these things happen automatically. host: lots of a road to the white house coverage, up on c- span. all beginning with the republican convention on august 27, monday. you will see every minute and every speech of both conventions. republican convention first, and then we will be in charlotte, north carolina at september 4-6 with complete coverage. the presidential debates
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october 3, 16, 22. all of it will come to a head on tuesday, november 6. a couple more calls on your reaction to paul ryan. let's go to betty. mute your tv so we can hear you. caller: yes, this is betty. host: go ahead. caller: hi. i think it is about time that we get some people in that has a country that works instead of the person who takes vacations all the time and someone who has someone like kennedy with him. i think they will do a great job. host: ron, independent line. caller: hello. this was a good pick for romney.
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i am an independent. item still undecided. the reason i thought this was a good pic -- i am still undecided. the reason i thought ryan was a good pick was because of his budget. we will need drastic proposals and actions to turn things around. host: you are still undecided, right? caller: yes. this will be a debate between mr. romney and mr. obama. we have very knowledgeable and experienced vp picks. guest: that vp debate will be coming up in october in kentucky. next caller.
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caller: paul ryan an mitt romney -- [unintelligible] who will help the poor and the needy? i am a democrat and i do not know where obama came from. [unintelligible] host: we will show more of that year later in our schedule. next up, robert. caller: were other referees in
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the campaign and media? campaignomeone did a commercial accusing romney of someone getting cancer and dying? where are the referees? they have the whistles in their pockets. host: you talk about referees. what should the media do in a case like that? caller: they should call them out. i did not hear a peep about a grandmother being pushed off a cliff. everyone knows paul ryan does not want to push a grandmother over a cliff or romney murdering someone. where is the media? host: we have had folks from
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politofact. you may start there in the claims in truth on advertising. caller on the independent line. hello. caller: i am thrilled with paul ryan, mitt romney's pick. i have voted democratic, but i am independent. i will be voting for mitt romney. as for the president today, they talk about paul ryan does not know anything and la, la, la. our president came into office knowing nothing and he has done nothing since he has been there. we need to get back on the right road. host: 1 more call.
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democrat line. you get the last word. caller: hi. i think mitt romney has done the republican party a great favor. he realizes he will not win, but he will give enough exposure to paul ryan so that paul ryan will be keyed up for the next cycle. the party in has to go to its younger ranks in order to tee someone up. i think that is what he has done with paul ryan by giving him the spotlight so he can come up to bat next time. host: will he make him more competitive in this race? caller: you have people like rob portman who knows
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something, but are not a very exciting. mitt romney is giving paul ryan the spotlight so republicans will be excited for next time. host: thank you for your calls and your tweets. if you want to follow the events of today about the democratic and republican party, go to c- you can do those at our video library. you'll find mr. paul ryan library at a librarthe reagan at simi valley, california. [applause] >> thank you.
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thank you. thank you. first off, a shshut out to my colleague. pretty nice neighborhood you have here. -- shout out to my colleague. pretty nice neighbor did you have here. please say thank you to mrs. reagan for allowing me to speak. this is my second time here. i have to say, there is a spirit that pervades the reagan library. you cannot help but feel uplifted being here. it is a spirit of optimism. it is a sense that things will turn out all right if we make that effort. in the good times and bad, ronald reagan embodied optimism. this is very true that i do not
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have to tell you his favorite joke. i only have to repeat the punch line, "there must be a pony in here somewhere." [laughter] [applause] his optimism together with his brilliant mind, determined will, and nancy's love and support, they were the keys to ronald reagan epos greatness as an american leader. his temperament was his nature. his optimism only grew the more he talked to people from all walks of life. president reagan like to talk about his experiences touring plants all over the country. he would stay after to talk with their workers. as he listened, he would listen to their concerns.
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he came to realize how worried they were by the bureaucrats. not only within their own company, but also by bureaucratic interventions from washington, which were making their jobs more difficult. in my own travels across the country and in my town hall meetings in seven wisconsin, i have heard the same concerns. -- southern wisconsin, i have heard the same concerns. americans are worried about the future. many are suffering from lost jobs and shrinking incomes. we look around and we see problems. rising health care costs, rising costs in food and college tuition, and stagnant wages. government does not seem to have any answers. we start to understand that ronald reagan passed the misdiagnoses applies again diagnoseseagan's
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applies again today. government is the problem. americans do not want to get rid of government. we like limited affected government just fine, but that is not what we are getting. we're getting a big, a dysfunctional government. in the face of enormous challenges, the president has steadily increased government's power. they have promised wonderful things and consistently delivered awful results. they show no signs of changing course. it is up to us to get america back on track. [applause] america is the only country in history founded on an ibidea, te
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idea that we are all endowed by the creator to pursue our happiness, our dream, earn our own success, and live the american vision of a good life. instead, we have a government in place that is determined to be defined that vision. much of our success is earned and a road to a handful of special assistant to the deputy undersecretary of some federal government that thinks they know better than us. [applause] too many in washington think that you and i and our families and friends cannot succeed on
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our own any more. government is not removing barriers from our lives. instead, those in power are taking the view that we are all stock in our current station in life and the government is here to help us cope with it. whatever you call that, that is not the american idea. that is a problem, like the high costs of health care. this $1.6 million monstrosity is causing problems for businesses big and small and families without addressing the problems it promised to solve. the good news is this -- americans are rejecting this approach. why?oknow we know there is a better way forward.
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we know we can choose that better way. why? we have done it before. that is withing the parallels between 1980 and today are very striking. we face not just a failed president, but a failed ideology. look at the pessimistic mood in that nation's capital. there is a belief that the best days are over and the only thing to do is to manage the nation's decline. but we have the same opportunity today to reject this attitude and embrace a positive reform agenda kicks starting a new era of prosperity. a comeback. we know this story has a happy ending. our country will not pick a path of decline. we have not agreed on how to get there. let me explain why i am confident america will choose
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the right path. americans have always rejected those with nothing to offer but cynicism and the policies of the vision. right now, that is all they are getting from the president. during his last campaign, he promised to help us "rediscover our bonds to each other and the constant bickering that is characterized our politics." sadly, he has broken his promise and has just become another washington politician. it does not understand you cannot promote the common good by pitting class against class or group against group. the divisive politics of the last three years have not only undermined the social solidarity, but they have put progress and reform to a standstill at the very time america was desperate for financial solutions to a
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devastating crisis. let's be clear -- president obama did not pause this crisis. years of empty promises from both parties part as to this moment. regrettably, this president was unwilling to advance credible solutions to the problem. his response to the financial crisis? we need policies to shrink in the foundations of our free market economy. what we got was the opposite. we needed single-minded focus on restoring economic growth. after the needed aftermath in the late 2008, we needed to restore real accountability in the financial sector and clean up the mess. we needed to restore the principle that those who seek to reap the gains in our economy also bear the full risk of the losses. [applause]
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we need policies to control our debt after directories so that families and businesses could confidently invest in our future. instead, the white house and the last congress enacted an agenda that made matters worse. they mispent hundreds of millions of dollars. the senate getting the economy on track, the last congress and white house me their number one priority a massive amount expansion of the garment's role in health care. they even tried to impose a costly increase in the middle of a recession. the idea of what street reforms? a blank check for friday and freedddy andc--
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fannie mae. they have expanded the role of federal government. there is higher taxes to support for higher spending. borrowing. that is a 70% increase. our debt is projected to get much worse. it is spiraling out of control in the years ahead. this bleak outlook is paralyzing economic growth today. investors, businesses, families look at the size of the debt and they hold back for fear that america is headed for a diminished future. today, we face a fundamental challenge in the american way of life. his primary manifestation is the shadow of our ever-growing
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national debt. the most troubling consequences is a shrinking opportunity for americans both young and old. this shadow hangs over young people who face a strong economy and the likelihood of greater tour mal ahead. -- turmoil ahead. senior citizens have been lied to about the retirement security. it hangs over parents. we wonder if we will be the first generation in american history to lead our children with fewer opportunities and less prosperous nation than the one we inherited. this storm has already hit europe. many are enduring the painful consequences of empty promises turning to broken promises. we must avoid a european style
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austerity. too many and washington are repeating european mistakes instead of learning from them. bond markets will turn on us and threaten to end the idea of america. in this land, we are responsible for our own destiny. on this continent, we will be forever free from foreign powers who put limits on our dreams for ourselves and for our children. if our generation fails to meet this defining challenge, which america at surrender her independence not to a foreign army, but to an army of foreign
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creditors who already owned half of our public debt. the policies in place today would guarantee that out, unless we turn this around soon. there must be a pony somewhere, right? the good news is there is. if you hear me say one thing, i hear this -- this will not be our destiny. americans will not stand for shrunken vision of their future. that is not who we are. in 1980, ronald reagan explained perfectly why americans would never accept this mind set. "they expect you to tell your children the america can no longer cope with its problems, the future will be one of sacrifice and a few opportunities." what he understood is that the case of free enterprise and not
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immaterial argument, but a moral truth. next january, our government will rededicate this truth of this society. to cleart's role is not the path of laudible pursuit of all and freely pursue their happiness. would promote economic growth and opportunity from the first it is enacted with bold tax reforms and a credible plan to stop the debt crisis from
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ever happening. president obama's and government-centered policies take from hard-working americans and give it to politically connected companies and privileged special interests. it is corporate welfare. we propose to end it. we will end welfare for those who do not need it. strength andnk welfar welfare programs for those who do. it is failing this citizens who need it the most. we pride ourselves on looking out for one another. government plays an important role in that, but relying on distant government bureaucracy has not worked. concentrating power in a distant, central government consistently leads to worst
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outcomes for the poor. it displaces those institutions to which we really do look out for one another -- the kennedys, faith, families. -- communities, faith, families. they keep measuring inputs -- how many new programs are we creating? but we are not measuring outcomes -- are these programs working? are people getting out of poverty? should that not be our goal? look at the results of the government-centered war on poverty. 1 in 6 americans are in poverty. in this war on poverty, poverty is winning.
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the intentions may have been good, but the outcomes were anything but fair. it is anything but fair to keep people trapped in programs that hinder their upward mobility. it is anything but fair to allow the debt to weigh on job creation today, closing off the most promising avenues for the poor to rise. it is anything but fair to close off even more opportunities by further weakening the economy with permanently higher taxes. baroness? fairness? fairness means fiercely protecting that god-given right of every human being to flourish by his or her own efforts. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause]


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